Sunday, December 26, 2010

U.S. troops use of high-tech simulator help save soldiers life

U.S. military use of simulation technology to train pilots, along with the action team and the role of soldiers is similar to a civil emergency personnel of the Military. The new battery-powered remote control model to simulate human blood and breathing, and eye blinking can be like the real thing. Military can these lifelike manikin test their learning skills. Equipped with a variety of new simulation device, now widely used in the U.S. Army 23 simulation training center, to the medical staff and non-medical personnel to teach life saving skills.
According to the U.S. Army, "Medical Simulation Project" responsible person (Wilson Ariza) Colonel introduction, the implementation of a Pentagon study shows that this training program has saved about 1,000 front-line soldier's life. Simulation Training Center had to be rushed to the training of Iraq, Kuwait and Afghanistan battlefield medical personnel and "first aid person" (First Responder). Later, soldiers at the front on how to save the life of ease, making this an essential skills training to become a part of everyday soldiers.
New human body model with automatic error correction capability, and lifelike skin, the soldiers stopped the bleeding in the top of the basic life-saving intravenous fluids and skills practice. The computer will capture every move down the medical staff to ensure their correct operation. Ariza said: "This device will simulate breathing and bleeding, if its body is bleeding, you must take appropriate measures to control bleeding or blood flow, or, human body model will die."

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