Sunday, December 26, 2010

British found a pain gene kind switch

University of Aberdeen, UK December 21 issue a press release said the school after 5 years of research scientists, has finally found a pain in substance-P gene gene switch, and found that capsaicin can stimulate the open. The scientists found that not only help to enhance the pain hidden behind the understanding of genetic mechanisms, but also help to develop new drugs and methods of pain treatment. Related study, published in the recent "nerve signals" magazine.
Substance-P is located in the sensory neurons of a pain in the gene are believed to be related to chronic pain caused by inflammation. This gene is inert, and need to activate factor stimulation can be fully expressed.
To find the substance-P in the genetic switch, researchers at the University of Aberdeen spent 5 years and developed a new technique to find genetic switch. By comparing them to human, mouse and chicken gene sequences and found a long time has remained the same DNA. After study, this DNA is that you can open the sensory nerve cells in substance-P enhancement factor gene sequence, which is substance-P gene switch.
The researchers also found that capsaicin can stimulate the substance-P gene switched on. Capsaicin is an active ingredient in chili, in his touch will produce the human body surface burning sensation, many people use it for chronic pain treatment.

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