Sunday, December 26, 2010

Banana can alleviate pollen allergy symptoms

Science University of Tokyo, Japan, Chao Valley, who recently passed Code of animal experiments found that eating bananas or relieve symptoms of hay fever.
Valley Zhao et al reported that the Code, they suffer from pollen allergies, mice were divided into two groups, which fed the first group of about 10 grams of banana per day, and the second group were fed normal diets. 3 weeks, the researchers found that the body can cause the first set of mice allergic to the material quality of less than half of the other group.
In addition, eating bananas, the risk of pollen allergy eosinophils in the mice also recovered to normal levels. Eosinophil is a white, under normal circumstances, the body in patients with pollen allergy would be more than the normal number of these cells.
Code of the valley, said Zhao, 10 grams of mice eating bananas every day, the intake of food per day is roughly equivalent to 3 to 4 bananas. They are prepared to continue this research.

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